I took Drew on a Drew and Mommy date. We went and saw Wall-e and ate at Steak n' Shake. He LOVED Wall-e. He actually sat completely still through the first hour and twenty minutes. (The last 20 min I had to fight for, but we saw the whole thing). Steak n' shake was another matter. He was ready for his nap and would not eat or sit still. Then he threw a tantrum in the car, and proceeded to fall asleep on our way home, and did not want to go back to his nap when we got home. He was tired, but in all fairness, it was only 1:30 and normally he stays awake until 2pm for his nap. I thought the whole trip might have been a wash, he didn't seem to enjoy it after all, but then the next day we went to blockbuster and I bought him a little transformer Wall-e.* And that child has not slept without that Wall-e since then. A side effect was that now, anytime we are going to do something he thinks we are going to the movies. Also, he wants to see Wall-e again, and the DVD doesn't come out until November 18. Which might as well be 2 years from now in kid-time.
*This is a link to the review of the Wall-e toy. Apparently we bought the last one in existence.
Noah and I go on movie dates, too! Our first excursion was to the Loma to see "Underdog," and he's been hooked ever since. We too enjoyed Wall-e so much we wanted to see it again (after hearing him ask, "Is Wall-e out yet?" every day since March, we went to it the day it came out so he'd freakin' hush already), so we went a second time, that time taking Eli as well. BOTH of them sat through it. Unbe-friggin'lieveable, right? Anyway, just thought it was cute that you guys felt the same way. :)
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